

How are you Adapting? Ep 10: J...

This week we end the series with Jenn Shah from Hot Docs. If you wanted advice and examples on how to emerge from this crisis in plain language, this is the episode for you. Jenn talks about everything from pivoting the Hot Docs festival to a digital offering. She chats about how they dealt with the vendors, the copyrights, the funders, and the measure Hot Docs took from SARS to prepare th...

Posted June 22, 2020

Fundraising during COVID-19

On June 10th, Business / Arts hosted a conversation on the fundraising successes and challenges in our current reality. Moderated by Camilla Holland, Executive Director of the Royal Manitoba Theatre Centre, our panel featured: Rosemary Thompson, VP, Marketing and Communications, Banff Centre for Arts & Creativity Kathy MacKenzie, Director of Development, Arts C...

Posted June 16, 2020

How are you Adapting? Ep 9: Ph...

Dans cette entrevue, nous mettons en lumière le Festival International du film sur l’art (FIFA), qui s’est adapté à la vitesse de l’éclair aux restrictions imposées par la pandémie, à quelques jours d’avis seulement de son ouverture, le 17 mars 2020. Avec Philippe Ulysse del Drago, directeur général et artistique du FIFA, nous allons échanger sur la relation avec l...

Posted June 15, 2020

Launching ARTS study: What Wil...

On Tuesday, June 9, we held a conversation with Nik Nanos, Chief Data Scientist and Founder of Nanos Research moderated by Business / Arts President and CEO Nichole Anderson Bergeron. Nik shared findings of the recent Arts Response Tracking Survey (ARTS), a partnership between Business / Arts, the National Arts Centre and Nanos Research, which polled over 1,000 Canadians to gauge their at...

Posted June 10, 2020

Press Release: Arts Response T...

When are Canada’s culture goers willing to come back to the arts?  Nanos Research, Business / Arts and National Arts Centre measure the attitudes of Canadian culture-goers in the world of Covid-19  TORONTO – (June 9, 2020) – Business / Arts, the National Arts Centre and Nanos Research have come together to gauge Canadians' attitudes on returning to indoor and outdoor arts and culture even...

Posted June 9, 2020

How are you Adapting? Ep 8: Er...

Do you have zoom fatigue? Well so does Eric Rose and Ghost River Theatre. In this episode, we will chat about the theatre’s latest production which takes away the visual and engages the other senses. We will talk about the technology being used, why theatres and performance-based art should be evolving, and the importance of charging for your productions. This episode will ...

Posted June 9, 2020

How are you Adapting? Ep 7: Ke...

What happens when a pandemic removes the community experience? Kelly Straughan, the Executive Artistic Director at Workman Arts is our guest this week and we talk about the importance of mental health and what gets lost when a community built on being together is forced to physically distance. We also chat about the steps Workman Arts is taking to create spaces where organic moments, the ones t...

Posted May 29, 2020

Réflexion sur la créativit...

Dans ce webinaire, la mentore Nathalie Courville traite de la communication avec les commanditaires en cas d'annulation d'un événement, de la commandite en général en temps de crise et des nouvelles opportunités qui peuvent s’offrir aux organisations culturelles et artistiques. Destiné à l’origine aux participants du programme artsvest, ce webinaire fut enregistré le 15 avril 2020. Bien...

Posted May 28, 2020

Tirer parti de la crise: qu’...

Dans ce webinaire, le mentor Jay Hébert, co-fondateur et associé d’Elevent, brosse un tableau de l'état de la commandite en ce moment. Avec des données précises et inédites, il analyse l’impact de la crise du coronavirus sur l’univers de la commandite, les tendances qui en émergent et ce que nous pouvons en retenir. Les réflexions et les données partagées proposent certains repères en ...

Posted May 26, 2020

How are you Adapting? Ep 6: Ni...

These next 20 minutes will fly by! Nina Lee Aquino is the Artistic Director at Factory Theatre in Toronto and she has some pointers on how to exist as an artist during this time. Nina discusses people's appetite for the arts right now, the sustainability of performances on the digital platforms, and how success is measured during this time. Nina has such an optimistic outlook on the theat...

Posted May 22, 2020

Sponsorship during the Pandemi...

This webinar was originally presented as part of Business and arts’ artsvest program to over 50 arts organizations and is now available to the public as part of our commitment to provide up to date resources and keep the art sector informed. Jennifer Shah is the Director of Sponsorship Marketing at Hot Docs in Toronto, an organization she has been with for the past 18 years. Jenn is responsibl...

Posted May 21, 2020

Tools & Techniques for Co...

This webinar was originally presented as part of Business and arts’ artsvest program to over 150 arts organizations and is now available to the public as part of our commitment to provide up to date resources and keep the art sector informed. Michelle Bussey is the Executive Director of the Nova Scotia Community College Foundation & Alumni Relations. In this webinar, Michelle will sha...

Posted May 20, 2020