
What is artsvest?

artsvest is Business / Arts’ signature mentorship and training program, with a strong history and demonstrated success in building the capacity of Canada’s cultural sector. Launched in 2005, artsvest has operated in various forms in regions across Canada, including Alberta, British Columbia, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Toronto and Montréal. To date, 5,966 representatives from 3,071 organizations have participated in artsvest and completed over 23,900 hours of training and mentorship. Since the program’s inception, a total of 6,147 new partnerships have been formed with businesses, raising over $27.59M in new private sector investment. Combined with regional matching funds, the overall impact to date is $37.2M to Canada’s cultural sector.

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Join us for a national program!

In 2023, artsvest begins its first truly national iteration, in partnership with the Department of Canadian Heritage. Reimagined as a free, virtual training and mentorship program available to organizations from anywhere across the country, artsvest is focused on building the capacity of small to mid-sized arts, culture, and heritage organizations, particularly those serving rural and equity-seeking communities. Delivered in response to the sector’s evolving needs and priorities, artsvest offers group webinars, peer-to-peer networking, and individualized mentorship. While the training program will be available across the country for the first time ever, regions with a local funding partner will also have access to a matching funds incentive for sponsorships through artsvest Regional.

We are now inviting participants from across the country to register for artsvest, prioritizing access to rural communities, systemically under-resourced organizations, and equity-seeking groups. The program provides professional development in areas related to marketing; sponsorship; board governance; organizational development; fund development and financial sustainability; strategic planning; adaptive changemaking; community engagement; and equity, diversity and inclusion.

Participating artsvest organizations receive support, guidance, tools, and training through a combination of monthly webinars, peer-to-peer networking, and individualized mentorship sessions delivered by a diverse roster of expert mentors. The training path will be self-led, and the goal is to create a robust community of diverse arts organizations leading high-impact change in communities across Canada.

Registration is open, and organizations are invited to complete the form at any time.
Orientation and welcome will take place during the last week of each month.


artsvest Regional

An additional program, artsvest Regional is available in select communities where there is a local funding partner. This program will provide more focused sponsorship training along with matching fund incentives. In order to apply for artsvest Regional programs, registration in the national artsvest program is required. For more information, visit the artsvest Regional page.


Thank you for your interest in the artsvest program. Please read through our Frequently Asked Questions, and proceed to the Registration Page to join the program. If you have additional questions, you can reach our team at artsvest@businessforthearts.org

We also invite you to sign up for our mailing list for updates on other programming and networking opportunities offered through Business / Arts, such as our monthly Speaker Series.