CAS: Strategic Direction 2020

We are thrilled to announce our 2020 Summit, which will take place on April 16-18 at the beautiful Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity.
New Approach for 2020
As we all know, the Summit has grown significantly since its creation, and each year, it continues to include more organizations and a new generation of leaders. As such, the goals and focus of the Summit also need to evolve to ensure we meet the changing needs of our Summit membership.
Based on feedback as well as lessons learned from past Summits, the 2020 Canadian Arts Summit will have a slightly different approach for our programming. For this year’s Summit, the focus will be on four key pillars which, based on your feedback, we know resonates with Summit members. These key pillars will remain consistent each year but will be built upon and expanded for each Summit, allowing for focused and meaningful conversations on topics and issues we know are important to you, our members.
Collective Action: Climate Change
Each year, the Canadian Arts Summit will unify around one topic that resonates with the cultural sector and where the sector feels real impact can be made. For 2020, this is Climate Change.
We’ll hear from leading voices in climate change and discuss what the cultural sector can do (and is doing) to proactively address this issue and focus on environmental sustainability and responsibility.
Cultural Shifts
As arts leaders, what is our role in community development and engagement? We’ll hear about the different approaches to community engagement across sectors/regions, and share examples of bold and transformational leadership in the cultural sector.
The new Minister of Heritage will be invited to address the Summit members. Following this, and in collaboration with the Canadian Arts Coalition, we will work together to identify issues of primary importance to the sector, and facilitate a dialogue with public sector funders amongst the Summit members in attendance.
Organizational capabilities
Here, we’ll explore the nuts and bolts of our everyday working challenges, share best practices from other sectors (fundraising, marketing and HR), discuss succession planning, and generational challenges.
Our goal with this approach is to build on the great success of the Summit to date while ensuring consistency for years to come. We hope to create even more opportunities to converse, learn from each other, and share best practices!
A full schedule of Summit activities will be posted in January at