artsvest Regional

artsvest Regional

artsvest Regional is a smaller, more focused program, available in select regions where there is a local funding partner. Offered in addition to the national artsvest program, this regional program aims to build capacity in the area of sponsorship for small and mid-sized arts, culture, and heritage organizations. Combined with matching fund incentives for new sponsorship dollars raised, the regional program equips organizations with tools to attract and retain corporate partners, enabling them to grow and thrive. Program capacity is limited, and participants are selected by a review committee, with priority given to remote, rural, systemically under-resourced, and equity-seeking communities. artsvest Regional currently operates in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Ontario, Winnipeg, Sudbury and Toronto. Learn more about the program and our regions below.



Our Regions

In addition to having access to all national artsvest programming, organizations participating in artsvest Regional also have a pre-determined amount of matching funds that they can receive for new sponsorships secured during the program (est. $2500 - $5000). Participants will learn or enhance their skills in forging successful, long-term partnerships with the private sector, and artsvest Regional provides matching incentive funds for new sponsorships secured in an effort to increase business support for the arts.

The program includes webinars and workshops, peer-to-peer networking opportunities and individualized mentorship sessions. artsvest Regional operates through partnerships with local funders. Program capacity is determined by the scope of each partnership agreement.

Please click on the regions below to see specific details for each program.