New Brunswick


  • Must be located in a community where the artsvest program is operating as predetermined by local governance and provide programming, products or services that are accessible to the public. (Regional chapters are not eligible when their head office is incorporated elsewhere.)
  • Must be an incorporated, not-for-profit society and/or registered charitable arts organization and have a publicly accountable structure with an active Board of Directors. If the organization does not meet these criteria, they may apply under the umbrella of a local non-profit designated by the arts organization and Business / Arts. For details, contact your Program Manager.
  • Indigenous arts programs, collectives and organizations which are not incorporated may apply under the umbrella of the local governance of their choosing, in collaboration with the Program Manager.
  • Must have been in existence for a minimum of two years with active programming
  • Must be an arts, heritage, or cultural heritage organization, with either a) arts as its primary mandate and core activity, or b) at least 50% of ongoing activities and organizational budget dedicated toward the arts.
  • Collaboration and partnerships between two or more arts organizations are eligible; one organization must be selected to represent the group as a whole
  • Must be an organization with an operating budget of less than $2M for the last two years
  • Must have attended an artsvest workshop in the current year